TYPO3 Kaffee

in2code Wir leben TYPO3

We live TYPO3

Of course we earn our money with TYPO3, but that is not the only reason why TYPO3 is so important to us. With regard to the Open Source idea we are happy to support TYPO3 in various areas and can thus ensure that we will have enough to do for a long time to come.


For us it is a matter of course to be able to support the TYPO3 Association with a membership and voluntary work in the board, video and design team. From the beginning we have been a member of the TYPO3 Association and together with our company size the membership has grown, so that we can now be proud to offer the platinum membership.

"We cross that bridge, when we come to it"
Stefan Busemann | TYPO3 Board - about the many challenges that have to be mastered in the TYPO3 area


We lead and organize various TYPO3 events and try to share our TYPO3 knowledge with the community whenever possible.

A part of it are lectures at the different TYPO3 events like TYPO3camps, the T3CON or also at the MTUG (Munich TYPO3 Usergroup), but even without lectures we are happy to make contacts as visitors at the events.

Code of the TYPO3 extension powermail


More than 50 developed, freely available extensions can be found by us in the TYPO3 TER. Among them are some very well known and popular extensions like Powermail, but of course also some legacy extensions that accumulate when you have been around as long as we have.

"TYPO3 has taken up most of my life - and I mean that in a positive way. It takes care of my bread and butter, but also sometimes grey hair. Nevertheless I try to give TYPO3 something back, be it with Powermail or other extensions, whose support is much more work than you might think at first sight".
Alexander Kellner | Management in2code GmbH & TYPO3 extension developer

TYPO3 Editor Certifications

In our daily work with TYPO3 we of course do not miss the opportunity to get certified for the perfect handling of the TYPO3 Backend. Even our junior staff faces up to this certification very early.

TYPO3 Integrator Certifications

Personally, we find the integrator certifications with TYPOScript and Option Split the hardest and are therefore especially proud of our TYPO3 certified integrators who take up this challenge.

TYPO3 Developer Certifications

With our reference projects we face complex tasks in backend development. In order to earn the trust of our customers, we constantly keep our numerous developer certifications up to date.

TYPO3 Consultant Certifications

Since very good and transparent customer communication is always important for a successful project, we are particularly pleased that all our project managers are also TYPO3 Consultants certified.

TYPO3 means to us:

TYPO3 Wallpaper to download