Although as a web agency we specialize in TYPO3, we deliberately decided against a content management system. The simplicity and directness of a dedicated web app outweighed the specific requirements of this project.
Technical background
We opted for the TALL stack - a modern and agile combination of TailwindCSS, AlpineJS, Laravel and Livewire, complemented by the FilamentPHP package. These technologies have enabled us to develop a responsive and user-friendly interface that is intuitive to use on both desktops and mobile devices, while also being cost-effective and quick to develop. Subsequent changes or adjustments can also be implemented very quickly.
TailwindCSS offers us the possibility to create an appealing interface very easily and is also used by Filament for the numerous components.
AlpineJS gives our markup a minimalistic but powerful syntax, comparable to jQuery, but optimized for modern web development and perfectly suited for reactive user interaction.
Laravel, the heart of our backend, offers an elegant syntax and a variety of features that allow us to work quickly and efficiently. From authentication and authorization, ORM and database migrations to validation, notifications, a powerful template engine and email templates, Laravel offers a comprehensive solution for all modern web development requirements.
Livewire allows us to develop responsive components that provide an optimal user experience. Whether it's forms, tables, charts or file uploads, Livewire allows us to implement sophisticated features such as real-time validation, lazy loading and responsive interactions by communicating directly with the Laravel PHP backend with ease.
FilamentPHP deserves a special mention for providing us with the Panel Builder, Form Builder, Table Builder and Real-Time Notifications, a toolkit that allows us to quickly and efficiently create the admin panel and user interfaces. The ability to create powerful forms, tables, actions and notifications takes usability to a new level. Filament's high level of customization to our needs allowed us to develop a tailored solution that also provides an intuitive user experience.