Efficient Content Management TYPO3 Content Publisher

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TYPO3 Content Publisher

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Content Publisher for TYPO3 - flexible and reliable

CMS in everyday life: What really counts

When working with a content management system on a daily basis, certain requirements play a central role in making work efficient and smooth. The following are particularly desirable:

  • Editors can edit content in TYPO3 and publish it at a specified time.
  • One or more instances can check the content in TYPO3 before publication.
  • The live system remains free of backend users in order to minimize security risks.
  • Content and files can be published with just one click.

Publish content and files simply by clicking

Some of these requirements can be implemented using TYPO3 workspaces (work environments). However, many do not do this because they fear problems with the compatibility of extensions or performance.

We offer a powerful solution that meets all requirements: the TYPO3 Content Publisher. This makes it easy to publish content and files either with a click or according to a previously defined, complex workflow. The principle behind it is simple: splitting the content on two separate servers offers a number of advantages.

Two separate servers for maximum security

The editors' working environment (stage server) can be housed in a secure network, while the live environment (production server) is publicly accessible. Changes can be made without being immediately visible to all website visitors. Even extensive restructuring can be prepared, optimized and published at a desired time without disrupting ongoing operations.

Comparison: Content Publisher vs. TYPO3 Workspaces

"In the Open Source environment and the usual alternatives Drupal, Craft, Umbraco, Joomla and also the newcomers such as Graf, Netlify, October or CMS Made Simple, TYPO3 with the Content Publisher Module alone is on a wide corridor. Even more so when the widespread PHP platform comes into question, TYPO3 remains the only Open Source solution with Enterprise capabilities," writes Daniel von dpool in his own blog post on publishing and workflows.

Daniel Thomas

Content Preview

With TYPO3 Workspaces, editors can check changes via the preview URL, whereby the appropriate workspace must be selected. The Content Publisher, on the other hand, displays all pages in the stage system as a “preview”.

Frontend Performance

The Content Publisher minimizes the impact of editorial activity on the live system, as caches are only deleted during publishing. TYPO3 workspaces do not offer such a strict separation, which can affect performance.

Compatibility with extensions

TYPO3 Workspaces only work with specially developed extensions. The Content Publisher, on the other hand, works with all extensions that are TCA-compatible.

File Publishing

The Content Publisher enables time-controlled publishing of files, while files are replaced immediately in TYPO3 Workspaces.

Language-based release

Both systems offer the option of language-by-language approval. While the Content Publisher regulates this for entire pages including the content elements, with TYPO3 Workspaces the individual elements must be released (e.g. via mass operations).

Early Access Program for TYPO3 12

All details about the development status of this extension for TYPO3 12 can be found on our EAP page.

Early Access Program

The advantages of the TYPO3 Content Publisher


Intuitive operation

A modern interface enables intuitive use without the need for extensive training.

Highest security

Content and files are transferred via secure connections (SSH/SFTP), which means that backend users are not required on the live system.


The TYPO3 Content Publisher supports all future TYPO3 versions.

Complex Workflows

Predefined workflows with any number of stages enable efficient approval processes. As soon as a data record is changed, the workflow process is started automatically. Note: This function is available in the Enterprise Edition.

When publishing multiple languages, the workspaces are usually brought to their knees!

"Since we started using the Content Publisher, that's gone. The system is very robust and also the performance is better than with workspaces. We always had problems with self-developed extensions that were not optimized for workspaces. Now we can simply use identical code on both systems, which is a great relief.
We wanted the security of the protected backend right from the start. The Content Publisher gave us exactly that."

Hans Müller

Publish content per click

External content

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You can find further information in our Privacy policy.

Architecture close to the TYPO3 standard

External content

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You can find further information in our Privacy policy.


External content

To use this content (Source: www.youtube-nocookie.com ), please click to Accept. We would like to point out that by accepting this iframes data to third parties transmitted or cookies could be stored.

You can find further information in our Privacy policy.

Workflow Demo

External content

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You can find further information in our Privacy policy.

Content Publisher:

View into the backend of the Content Publisher modules

Extensive extension support

The Content Publisher supports almost all common TYPO3 extensions, as long as they have been created TYPO3-compliant (TCA).

Simple operation

Editors can recognize changes between the different instances at a glance and transfer content from the stage environment to the live environment at the click of a mouse.

The editors can now publish promptly themselves ...

"... our support as admins is no longer required. Due to the selective publishing, it is no longer necessary for the whole instance to be in a publishable state at once. In addition, the integration of external editors has become much less complicated because the changes go through a proper release process.“

Sven Job
Editor Features Community Edition Enterprise Edition
Publish records Pages, Files Pages, Files
Scheduled publishing   svg
Tools menu to analyze setup svg svg
Comparison view stage/production svg svg
Publishing of redirects svg svg
Exclude tables from publishing svg svg

Publishing of single records

Button for publishing of all records   svg
Workflow colors in page tree   svg
Configuration options per Page tree, User Page tree, User
Workflows for   Page, Record
Publishing notifications per group   svg
Publishing notifications per user   svg
Support of EXT:solr   svg

Support of EXT:solr fal_securedownload

Admin Features Community Edition Enterprise Edition
Tools menu with tests for setup svg svg
Cross-Storage publishing   svg
Breadcrumb to visualize relations svg svg
Logging of CP Operations svg svg
Debug-Options svg svg
Support of special characters (e.g. Umlauts) in file names svg svg
Clear caches on live system svg svg
Commands for table-operations Publish, Import, Backup Publish, Import, Backup

Pricing Enterprise Version

Available add-ons

Package name Function Price
Native SSH/SCP (in2publish_native) This extension provides Content Publisher communication adapters that replace the standard SSH2 adapters in the Community Edition. These adapters use the ssh and scp binaries of the operating system to establish a connection and transfer files to the external system. 1.440 € net 
Local file adapter (in2publish_local) Extension of the Content Publisher, with which I can publish my local file store in another local (live) file store. 1.440 € net
phpseclib SSH2 adapter (in2publish_seclib) This extension provides an SSH2 adapter that is based on the phpseclib and not on the php extension ssh2, which is required by in2publish_core. 720 € net
HTTP Adapter (in2publish_http) This package implements an adapter for the Content Publisher RCE API and TAT API in SSH-less environments based on HTTP. 1.290 € net

All add-ons are delivered with the appropriate TYPO3 main version. Customers with a maintenance agreement receive free updates for new TYPO3 main versions.


103.392 downloads over packagist.org / 27.114 downloads over TYPO3 extension repository

Version history

Latest versions

PHP Package: in2code/in2publish_core, TYPO3 extension key: in2publish_core,
Number of releases: 117, Latest update: 2024-11-27,

Content publishing extension to connect stage and production server

packagist.org   TYPO3 extension repository

Stefan Busemann

Projects and products in the TYPO3 area?

Do you have questions about TYPO3 projects and products?

Our managing director Stefan Busemann will be glad to help you.

Stefan Busemann  |  Management & customer service

Downloads for the Content Publisher

Editors Guide (Community Editon) ​​​​[DE] ​​​​[EN]
Editors Guide for Workflows  (Enterprise Editon) [DE] [EN]
Editors Guide Whitelabel - Affinity Publisher (Community Editon) [DE] [EN]
Anleitung Workflows für Redakteure Whitelabel - Affinity Publisher (Enterprise Editon) [DE] [EN]