A strong network Our LUX Partners

Lux Marketing Automation Partners

Our LUX partners are excellent specialists and agencies for lead and marketing automation projects. Let them advise you on how to make your website and campaign success visible. Find the perfect partner for your needs in your region.


Location Luzern, Switzerland
Region German Switzerland


Location Birkenau, Germany
Region DACH Region

Orange Hive

Location Frankfurt a. Main, Germany
Region worldwide

UDE Werbeagentur

Location Nordhorn, Germany
Region DACH Region


Location Aarau, Switzerland
Region worldwide


Location Duisburg, Germany
Region DACH Region


Location Böblingen, Germany
Region Germany & Switzerland


Location Braunschweig, Germany
Region Germany


Location Munich, Germany
Region worldwide

unternehmen online

Location Dortmund, Germany
Region Germany


Location Wuppertal, Germany
Region DACH Region, Netherlands


A competent and experienced partner guarantees you individual support and saves you valuable time, which you can use to focus on your core business.


Your partner is an experienced expert for TYPO3 and knows the technical integration and functional use of LUX very well.

Marketing Automation

Automated workflows tailored to your project can be effortlessly developed and implemented by your partner.

Become LUX Partner!

By linking you as a partner on the website, we refer customer inquiries directly to you and thus increase your customer acquisition. At the same time, you offer your existing customers an exciting added value. Additionally, you receive LuxEnterprise free of charge for your own agency website.

Are you interested? Please contact us. We look forward to exciting projects with you!