
E-Recruiting with TYPO3 Manage job advertisements

Easy maintenance of job advertisements

Your job advertisements are often out of date because you do not find the time to maintain them? Do you already use generalisations to keep the maintenance effort low? You have maintained your job advertisements in the internal system for a long time, but it is so tedious to maintain everything again?

Our E-Recruiting module for TYPO3 imports data from other databases that you maintain anyway. Alternatively, it also exports jobs to your internal databases. Additionally, an application form on the website helps to make the entry hurdle for potential new colleagues as easy as possible.

Import from SAP

Do you maintain some or all of your open job offers in a third-party system such as SAP, but still want them to be displayed on the website? Will the subsequent application process then run again via SAP or a special e-recruiting software? Our E-Recruiting module can help you with this.

Job ads and e-recruiting in Typo3

We bring you

Context-sensitive job ads

The DELTA Group focuses on contextual job advertisements on different pages. The e-recruiting module automatically presents the relevant job advertisements at the end of the page for the respective visitor.

Stefan Busemann

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Our managing director Stefan Busemann will be glad to help you.

Stefan Busemann  |  Management & customer service