
The ideal CMS TYPO3 for universities and colleges

Protect your web infrastructure

Many universities and colleges are currently struggling with attacks, hacks and complete failure of their infrastructure. Here you will find tools and tips on how to ensure that your TYPO3 website does not pose any further security risk.

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Website emergency system

Website emergency system with TYPO3: Stay able to communicate - even in the event of a hack or malware in your own IT infrastructure.

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TYPO3 Studyfinder: Sonja is 19 years old, prospective high school graduate and does not really know what she wants to do the rest of her life...

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Cookie Management Suite

DSGVO compliant Cookie Banner. Inform and convince your visitors to opt-in.

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TYPO3 Content Publisher

Easy to use | Editors can see changes between instances at a glance and transfer content from stage to live at the click of a mouse. Extension support | The Content Publisher supports almost all common TYPO3 extensions, as long as they have been created TYPO3-compliant (TCA).

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The publications extension is being launched as a successor to bib. Lecturers from universities and colleges can present their publications.

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OpenStreetMap Extension for TYPO3 as an alternative to Google Maps

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Personal database

Shows contact data and addresses of employees of a university or college context-dependent with extensive import options...

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School package - easy websites for schools

in2code schoolpackage - New, modern and easy to maintain websites for all schools.

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