TYPO3 Kaffee

TYPO3 Authentication Manager t3am

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TYPO3 Authentication Manager: t3am forms the basis for managing backend user access within a leading TYPO3 instance and making it available for multiple instances at once. Access to further instances is then released or extended by the central instance. We hope to simplify the work of many agencies this way.

At the same time, this development will help to improve security when a company or department faces the challenge of having to close individual TYPO3 accesses promptly for a large number of TYPO3 instances. This is very often the case in daily work.

Early Access Program for TYPO3 12

All details about the development status of this extension for TYPO3 12 can be found on our EAP page.

Early Access Program


Manage users for any number of instances at one central location.


36.912 downloads over packagist.org / 2.140 downloads over TYPO3 extension repository

Latest versions

Version Comment Date Link
5.0.0 Adds support for TYPO3 12 2023-12-26 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/t3am#5.0.0
4.0.2 Maintenance Release Specify PHP constraints 2023-03-08 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/t3am#4.0.2
4.0.1 Maintenance Release Provide support for older versions of t3am, if version 4 is used as server 2023-03-06 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/t3am#4.0.1
3.0.2 Maintenance Release Provide compatibilty if Version 4.0 of t3am is used as server. 2023-03-06 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/t3am#3.0.2
4.0.0 TYPO3 v11 support is added. t3am_server is obsolte - t3am can be server and client now 2023-03-03 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/t3am#4.0.0
3.0.1 Relase Notes: https://github.com/in2code-de/t3am/releases/tag/3.0.1 2020-05-04 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/t3am#3.0.1
PHP Package: in2code/t3am, TYPO3 extension key: t3am,
Number of releases: 14, Latest update: 2023-12-26

T3AM - TYPO3 Authentication Manager

Stefan Busemann

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Stefan Busemann  |  Management & customer service