TYPO3 Kaffee

Frontenduser register with femanager

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The TYPO3 extension offers an extensive front-end user registration including management functions. It is based on a modern TYPO3 version as well as on Extbase and Fluid and offers a variety of expansion options.

Early Access Program for TYPO3 12

All details about the development status of this extension for TYPO3 12 can be found on our EAP page.

Early Access Program


596.223 downloads over packagist.org / 47.035 downloads over TYPO3 extension repository

Latest versions

Version Comment Date Link
8.2.1 Maintenance Release Contains 12 Bugfixes and 6 Improvements. Please review for a full list: https://docs.typo3.org/p/in2code/femanager/8.2/en-us/Changelog/Index.html 2024-11-11 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/femanager#8.2.1
7.4.1 Maintenance Release This is the last bugfix release for Branch 7.x for TYPO3 11. We will provide security releases. If you want to have a backport of Bugfixes or Features, please contactt us via https://www.in2code.de/agentur/typo3-extensions/femanager/ 2024-11-11 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/femanager#7.4.1
8.2.0 Improve HTML Templates (autocomplete, spell jacking) [FEATURE] Add type and autocomplete information to input fields (port from 7.4 by in2code) [TASK] Docs - add simple render command - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) [TASK] Update Symfony dependency - thx to Julian Hofmann (in2code) [TASK] Switch to PHP-based Documentation Rendering (port from 7.4 by in2code) [TASK] Add autocomplete attribute to password fields (port from 7.4 by in2code) [TASK] Mitigate browser "spell jacking" in form elements (port from 7.4 by in2code) [TASK] Improve the code formatting of additional input attributes (port from 7.4 by in2code) [TASK] Use semantic HTML for tables in the emails (port from 7.4 by in2code) [BUGFIX] Update composer.json - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] Pass proper object name to form error partial - thx to Pierrick Caillon [BUGFIX] Improve coding style - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) [BUGFIX] Add missing if clause in UserProperties.html (port from 7.4 by in2code) [BUGFIX] Remove type url to improve user experience - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) [BUGFIX] Add missing make command to generate docs - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) [BUGFIX] fix response object usage - thx Hannes Bochmann [DOCS] Add header row to Features/Events/Index.rst - thx to haegelixatwork [DOCS] Update EAP note - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) 2024-10-04 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/femanager#8.2.0
7.4.0 New Feature: Improve semantic of HTML Templates (autocomplete, spell jacking) [FEATURE] Add type and autocomplete information to input fields - thx to Oliver Klee [TASK] Use semantic HTML for tables in the emails - thx to Oliver Klee [TASK] Improve the code formatting of additional input attributes - thx to Oliver Klee [TASK] Apply the latest Rector fixes for TYPO3 11LTS - thx to Oliver Klee [TASK] Mitigate browser "spell jacking" in form elements- thx to Patrick Lenk [TASK] Add autocomplete attribute to password fields - thx to Patrick Lenk [TASK] Switch to PHP-based Documentation Rendering - thx to Sandra Erbel [BUGFIX] Avoid deprecated PHP function utf8_decode - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] Add missing scope - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) [BUGFIX] Add missing if clause in UserProperties.html - thx to Sandra Erbel [BUGFIX] Use specific seleniarm image for behat tests - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) [BUGFIX] Restore email notification to admin after registration - thx to Patrick Lenk [BUGFIX] Fix composer script calls in the test:rector:fix script - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] Fix the Rector PHP target version - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] Allow the PHPStan extension installer for Composer - thx to Oliver Klee 2024-10-04 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/femanager#7.4.0
8.1.0 New Features for TYPO3 12 [FEATURE] Add confirmation form to delete profile during registration - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) [FEATURE] Add BeforeMailBodyRenderEvent - thx to Michael Bakonyi [FEATURE] Include bootstrap directly from repository instead of maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com - thx to Felix Ranesberger (in2code) [FEATURE] Allow multiple CC recipients With this change more than one CC recipient for emails can be configured - thx to Marco Huber [BUGFIX] Fix a typo in the labels - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] Open the "terms & conditions" page in a new tab - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] errorClass attribute not working - thx to Stig Nørgaard Færch [BUGFIX] Use mixed return type for ServersideValidator::getValu - thx to Andreas Nedbal (in2code) [BUGFIX] Replace incorrect response in AdminConfirmation - thx Thomas Anders [BUGFIX] Restore email notification to admin after registration - thx Patrick Lenk [DOC] Update documenation - thx to Daniel Hoffman (in2code) 2024-05-09 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/femanager#8.1.0
7.3.0 Adds three new features. Please take a look in the change log [FEATURE] Add confirmation form to delete profile during registration - thx to Stefan Busemann (in2code) [FEATURE] Add BeforeMailBodyRenderEvent - thx to Michael Bakonyi [FEATURE] Include bootstrap directly from repository instead of maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com - thx to Felix Ranesberger (in2code) [BUGFIX] Fix a typo in the labels - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] Open the "terms & conditions" page in a new tab - thx to Oliver Klee [BUGFIX] errorClass attribute not working - thx to Stig Nørgaard Færch [DOC] Update documenation - thx to Daniel Hoffman (in2code) 2024-05-08 https://packagist.org/packages/in2code/femanager#7.3.0
PHP Package: in2code/femanager, TYPO3 extension key: femanager,
Number of releases: 71, Latest update: 2024-11-11

Modern TYPO3 Frontend User Registration.

Stefan Busemann

Let me help you out

Hello, my name is Stefan Busemann and as managing director and customer consultant for TYPO3 projects I am happy to take care of your request personally. I am looking forward to your call or your message.

Stefan Busemann  |  Management & customer service